Disruptive coloration and background pattern matching
Nature, Number 434, page 72--74 - 2005
IF: 29.27. area: MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES. Quartile: Q1.
IF: 29.27. area: MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES. Quartile: Q1.
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BibTex references
@Article\{CSS2005, author = "Innes Cuthill and Martin Stevens and Jenna Sheppard and Tracey Maddocks and C. Alejandro Parraga and Tom Troscianko", title = "Disruptive coloration and background pattern matching", journal = "Nature", number = "434", pages = "72--74", year = "2005", ifactor = "29.27", quartile = "Q1", area = "MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES", url = "http://cic.uab.cat/Public/Publications/2005/CSS2005" }