Saliency of Color Image Derivatives: A Comparison between Computational Models and Human Perception
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Volume 27, Number 3, page 613--621 - 2010
IF: 1.9. area: OPTICS. Quartile: 1.
IF: 1.9. area: OPTICS. Quartile: 1.
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BibTex references
@Article\{VGL2010, author = "Eduard V\'azquez and Theo Gevers and Marcel Lucassen and Joost van de Weijer and Ramon Baldrich", title = "Saliency of Color Image Derivatives: A Comparison between Computational Models and Human Perception", journal = "Journal of the Optical Society of America A", number = "3", volume = "27", pages = "613--621", year = "2010", keywords = "Image analysis, Psychophysics, Saliency", keywords = "Image analysis, Psychophysics, Saliency", ifactor = "1.9", quartile = "1", area = "OPTICS", url = "" }